Within CCRS, the Department of Weather Research (DWR) is responsible for research and development supporting CCRS’ core ‘seamless’ ‘SINGV’ modelling system, used in both Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) and regional climate projection applications e.g. Singapore’s ‘V3’ 3rd National Climate Study launched in January 2024. DWR also oversees research in AI-based rainfall nowcasting, forecast verification, the transition to operations of NWP science upgrades, and the development of customised products to support MSS weather services and other stakeholders. DWR works closely with CCRS’ High Performance Computing Branch, local universities and has bilateral research partnerships with several major international weather/climate organisations including the UK Met Office, Australian Bureau of Meteorology, and US National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR). CCRS is a core member of the multinational Momentum (formerly Unified Model) Partnership, with a focus on tropical urban weather/climate.
A new Data Assimilation and Ensembles (DAE) branch has recently been created within DWR to expand CCRS’ research activities in high-resolution (km-scale and higher) ensemble data assimilation (DA). A number of positions are now available in the new branch, at various levels ranging from research scientist to branch head.