Department of Statistics

Model-Based Estimates Of Business Statistics By Geographic Area Intern

Department of Statistics


Closing on 04 Mar 2025

What the role is

Apply your programming skills and/or statistical knowledge in developing model-based estimates of business statistics by geographic area.

What you will be working on

Attached to the Business Statistics Division, you will: • Work with the industry statistics team to understand the business and technical requirements and identify different methods of estimation for the problem statement. • Conduct a comprehensive review of literature on business statistics by geographic area, with a focus on recent advancements and best practices adopted by National Statistical Organisations. • Perform simulations using open-source software (Python/R) on test datasets and recommend the best model.

What we are looking for

- Attention to detail and ability to work independently. - Strong programming skills in R or Python is required. - A passion for solving complex problems and a desire to learn new skills - Preferred Discipline: Statistics, Computer Science, Data Science, Mathematics, Data Science, Business/Data Analytics Availability: May - Jul 2025

About Department of Statistics

The Singapore Department of Statistics is the National Statistical Authority responsible for statistics on the Singapore economy and population. We collect, compile, analyse and disseminate a wide range of economic, business, household and population data, as well as analyse and monitor trends in the economy and population. With these vital inputs, policymakers, business decision makers and our data users gain valuable insights into current and emerging economic and social trends, enabling them to make calculated and informed decisions in the formulation of policies and strategies for the future. Apart from public agencies and businesses, our users also include researchers, analysts, educators, students, the media and the general public. Join our team and make a difference by contributing important statistical input to facilitate policy planning and decision-making and support Singapore's present and future economic and social development.